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Don't F*ck About

I’ve been prone to to moaning in the past. I have reached out to my friends to get it all off my chest and ask the world and his wife for their opinion. I’m also not shy of drama; I would go so far as to say I have welcomed it into my life on far too many occasions. I have also been one for acting the fool, trusting almost immediately and capable of loving fiercely - all of which come with their pros and cons. Alongside all of that, despite a very ‘bubbly’, extroverted persona, I can be extremely introverted and seriously lacking in confidence.  In the last few years, I have learnt more about myself than I have in my entire life. Some lessons seem more prominent than others.  Being grateful for what I have, no matter how bleak things seem, is the difference between my misery and happiness. Tonight as I tucked Charlie into bed, I thought of how he was warm, clean and well fed. He held my hand and fell asleep, I can’t ask for any more than that in this world we live in. Wh...

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