Miss Honey on a Mission (MHOAM)

My last blog entry, much to my surprise, seems to have hit a nerve with many people. When I wrote it, I felt a little guilty at having such a big old moan. I am incredibly flattered by the response, but more than that it's emphasised what a huge problem education is facing at the moment. 

Shortly after handing in my notice I received an email from my old university asking if I would be interested in contributing towards the final lecture for the PGCE students before them embark on their teaching careers, to give them an account of teaching and aim to inspire them. I had to laugh and asked if it was a good time to tell her that I was leaving the profession at Easter... Interestingly enough when I met my old lecturer for a coffee she explained to me that she too left part way through a school year and that the world of education, like fashion, can often be cyclical. This time however, it's worse than it has ever been - with the most enthusiastic teachers being beaten by the system. One of my most influential undergraduate lecturers once told me I would be a great teacher, but beaten by the system - turns out he was right. In the end I agreed to do the lecture, I will take the positives with me and if nothing else try to encourage the students to hold on to what believe in. If there are enough of them out there doing it, it may just make a difference.

Many people have approached me, lots of them I don't even know, relating to the issues in my last blog entry, some even saying they were reduced to tears - which sounds dramatic but shows that so many people are feeling the same. Downtrodden and fed up with it all. A few people have told me 'it's just the school you're at' and to some extent I am sure that's true. However, it's not long before the claws of Ofsted reach into those schools who are doing it right, I hear regular reports of the most inspirational head teachers giving in to the powers that be, because they have to. 

A few weeks ago a new report came out about the education of our real little ones, the children in nurseries. The main issue being that apparently children from 'disadvantaged backgrounds' are being let down by teachers. As I said, I'm no expert on politics and this is just my opinion.

"Unfortunately, even when the most disadvantaged do access early-years provision they rarely find the support they need because too many practitioners are afraid to, or simply don't know how to, teach," Wilshaw said.(Richard Adams, Guardian Thursday 3 April 2014)

In a nutshell, the man is saying that poor kids aren't being taught properly because the teachers are either afraid or not up to it. He is also saying that 'middle class' kids are getting a better chance at education. 

"It is a middle-class prejudice for which some of the most disadvantaged pay the price." 

There are obviously many, many things I could say about this. I could ride around on my high horse all day long. There are some things though that I feel I must point out;

A) It seems that Sir Wilshaw has labelled all children from 'disadvantaged backgrounds' in the same way. (They do love a one size fits all approach this government.) Does this also mean that all parents that aren't middle class are doing a bad job of it? That for some reason not having lots of money means that your children won't do well at school? That because of your social status your children should go to school earlier? It doesn't matter where you come from, or who you are - there will always be children that struggle. Just like there will always be children who want to learn and will succeed. I can't deny there might be more issues in some demographics than others, but surely those children have just as much right to a childhood as others?

B) It has been suggested there will be a checklist of things that all children should be able to do by aged 5. These things include, toilet training, putting on a coat and shoes, speaking in sentences and simple counting.

Will there be an exam? Will there be points of progress? What will happen at parents evening?

 "Jimmy has only made 1 sub-level of progress in Nursery. One of his next steps is to aim his willy at the back of the toilet and fold the toilet paper instead of scrunching. Then he will make his target."

C) I like to believe there are some parents in the world who still think it is their responsibility to teach their own children these things. Sure, teachers have a huge influence on a child but there has to be a balance on the responsibility of the families and teachers. I fear for the next report from Ofsted...

'Teachers are now responsible for babies in the womb and their development.'
Scrap that.
'Teachers are now responsible for sperm. All sperm must reach a level 6 by time of... take off.'

In ten years time, teachers will be there at the time of conception with a clip board, ready to make their observations. "Come on little Jimmy! You can do it! A little bit further and 
you've made your 3 points!"

In considering my next adventure, the first step will be to do a bit of a supply and hopefully reassure myself that there is joy in some schools out there. I do need to pay rent after all. I also intend to tutor children individually, meet their needs and give them a chance if I can. I will be taking a course with an amazing company called Relax Kids and hopefully once qualified will be able to work with different children in various schools, small groups in the holidays, 1:1 if needed. I have realised that if we can't change the system, then for now, I have to work with it the support the children in it. They will be going through a lot in the next few years and will be under a huge amount of pressure, as will the teachers and parents. By helping the kids to calm down and remember who they are outside of their targets and levels then hopefully I can make a small difference. My biggest next step though is to quit ranting and look for the positives and to keep remembering that there is always a choice, in whatever we're doing. One voice alone can make so much difference, so lots of us together can change the world. (In my mind, I am wearing my pants over some tights, a cape and stood on a clifftop somewhere right now and it is GLORIOUS.) I am Miss Honey on a mission.

One final thought. 

"So let us not pander to those who think children's childhoods are being stolen," Wilshaw said. 

Fear not Sir, I will not be 'pandered' to, nor bullied by you. A little boy in an old class of mine was being picked on for his size. He is a wonderful child, I admit quite rotund and of the most incredible nature. I witnessed another boy call him 'fat' then continue to pick on him. I sat back for moment to watch his response before I intervened. He replied;

"I am strong" - flexing his left bicep.
"I am powerful" - flexing the right.
"And this is where my magic is stored' - rubbing his belly.
"My heart is bigger than yours and always will be."

I don't know who taught him that, but he believes it. He isn't middle class, lower class or upper class. He is determined, hard working, believes in himself and is happy. 
He is a child - and that's what he needs to be. So please, let him have his childhood. 

Your comments mean a lot to me, good or bad. If you want you can share it, maybe someone will listen. You can follow my little blog if you fancy! 

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tillywilko

Don't hesitate to get in touch.x


  1. Again I agree with what you are saying. I don't like how people try to pigeonhole children from poorer backgrounds. Having taught in a middle class school and now in one which caters for less affluent families, both classes have had challenges irrespective of the wealth of their parents. I found some of the more middle-class children to be less willing to learn as they carried an undeserved air of arrogance. We teach children that they are all unique but spend most of our time lumping them together into categories (FSM, EAL etc.)

    To say that nursery and reception teachers don't know how to teach is ridiculous; they have a difficult job trying to match and cater for the needs of all the children in the class more so than us as their learning is more child-lead. So to undermine them that way is unfair. Especially as children are in such an early stage in their development socially they might not feel confident enough to express their interests for the teacher to build on.

    The bit about sublevels for urinating and for sperm making it to the womb made me laugh. Because they aren't far off! Plus the story about the "fat" kid was really heartwarming as it's really sad that so many kids have begun bullying already.

    I was pleased to see that you were still going to be working within the education system as it would have been a waste for you to step away completely. Wish you all the best and hope it goes well x

  2. I think one thing I learnt from my time in the UK education system was that it has its priorities completely wrong and is just terribly misinformed... and wait for it... ill educated. In my book, Ofsted take the prize for Worst Micro-Managers in the World. Yes, that's a thing! So it was a sweet relief to escape to my home country last year and take part in quality teaching and learning experiences once again. It is a terrible shame that you are no longer able to continue teaching without being emotionally and mentally mashed into a pulp.

    But I think you have an amazing opportunity to critically reflect not only on your teaching but on the education system as a whole. As Ken Robinson highlights in some of his speeches, there are quality learning experiences taking place in other parts of the world. Why whinge and complain when you can get out there and do something about it! I had regular fights with my head teacher over many things that took place at my school. Like the fact that you don't explicitly teach reading strategies aside from the basic decoding and chunking in KS1.

    Tilly, you are able to recognise that the system is failing and that you can't do your job. You can tell that your heart is in the right place that unlike some teachers with no souls, you actually care for the children and establish relationships with the students. That's rare in the UK. It makes you one of the good ones. You've been given the opportunity to do something. Why run those holiday programs when you can get out there and research other education systems, find out what they're doing, find out how they do things differently and what you can do as an individual to change things. It's going to be tough, but just because your head teacher doesn't back you up, you can still commit to quality teaching practice. Find out what works in other education systems. Find out what they do. Once you have that, find the research that backs them up. For example, take the research that my head spouted last year about feedback in books improves student retention. He wanted us to write 2 stars and a wish in every child's book for literacy and numeracy every day and give the children time to respond to it the next morning. But if he'd read the research properly he'd realise that instantaneous feedback has a huge impact on student retention, but written feedback given after the learning has taken place has a negligible impact. Yet which part does he focus on?

  3. If you have found practices that work more effectively than what you are already doing and you have the research to back them up, go with that and fight ofsted. They're not gods and they're certainly not the be all and end all when it comes to education in the UK. if you're lucky you'll have a good 6-12 months to trial and be able to gather the all hailed data that they love so much to prove what you're doing actually works. On top of that, you could do what some countries do. We have created Professional Networks that teachers from all the schools in the region can access - we share everything from resources to providing training in the curriculum. What is stopping you from starting one and getting out to the local schools and advertising it? Think about all the people that share your frustration. These networks or forums are great ways for you to advertise the good teaching practices that you have taken the time to research and find. There is nothing stopping you from educating yourself further and gaining a skill set that can help the others around you. You would be surprised at who notices. Not everyone is going to come, not everyone is going to be on board, but the people who are open to innovation and reflect on their professional practice will. And what they learn from you they can take into their schools. We shouldn't reinvent the wheel. If someone has a good idea, share it. Arm them with the research and suddenly ofsted have a fight on their hands. People are challenging them and their ideas. They need to be challenged.

    It's great that you've been asked to speak as part of the final lecture. Worrying that the lecturer herself was another teacher beaten down by the education system and Ofsted, who left part way through the school year. It raises the question: why didn't she try and do something about it? She's a lecturer at a university. At her finger tips she has access to tons of research and other scholarly people. She has the ability and resources to find new ideas and to impart them and mould new teachers. But she hasn't by the sounds of things. I could be wrong, but she didn't even prepare you to the realities of teaching. For someone so disenfranchised by the system she's doing an awfully good job of perpetuating it.

    What a great opportunity to go in there and give them all a reality check and actually prepare them for the real world. At no point should they ever stop learning. Strive to better yourself constantly is what they should be doing. Your lecturer is in a very influential position and she could be doing so much more but she's not. You need to do it. Education is universal and you need to look past the watery borders separating the UK from the rest of the world. You're right, one person can make the difference (cape or no cape!) and start change. Become the leader. Instigate that change. Watch this video, it's great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW8amMCVAJQ You are the lone nut. Get out and share with others and soon enough a second nut will follow you and the rest, well it's history! The UK education system is not going to change by itself and it's certainly not going to change positively as a result of Michael Gove or any other ignorant politician. You have a great opportunity to start a grassroots movement that bases itself entirely around good teaching practices found outside the current system and that is where you could really shine. Ofsted and other teachers aren't stupid, just sadly misinformed and ill educated.

    1. Hello, what amazing comments and thank you. I would love to talk more to you - you say you have written a book? Whilst reading your reply it was all I could do not to shout "WHO ARE YOU?" at the screen. I'd be really grateful if you could contact me at my email address; tilly.wilko@googlemail.com
      I have watched the video - I think lone nut says it all. I need to have a big think! I hope to hear from you, Tilly

  4. As a primary school teacher in Brixton, London I know first hand the struggles facing our most disadvantaged children. It very much feels like 'the powers that be' are trying to create an education system where one size fits all. Any teacher or parent will tell you one size most certainly does not fit all.

    At the start of my day I spend time "checking in" with my children, as they are completing some morning work (woe betide just letting them be and sit for a moment). I make eye contact, something some of them find tough to do, with each of them and ask them how they are feeling today. Often I am met with something negative; sadness, fear, worry...the list goes on. My first task as a teacher is to make them feel safe and cared for, only then will they be in any fit state to learn. This is what being a primary school teacher is for me, I am often faced with 26 different problems (4 happy children) and I have to peel those little onions to get them to a point where they are relaxed, and open. And then Gove wants me to jump right on in there and teach them about late Neolithic hunter-gatherers and early farmers, for example, Skara Brae, for example.

    And do you know what Gove I will! I bloody will teach them these crazy things, that really only a handful of children can relate to, and they will learn something. But I'm not going to get them to learn by rote. I'm going to give them learning that fires enthusiasm, creating a thinker and a questioner, a child ready to move into secondary education who is able to think for themselves and ask questions and hopefully will one day be more powerful than you and I, and will knock you off your throne and show you what education should really be all about. It'll be a painful process, I'll cry along the way, as I do now writing this, but no way are you going to stop be from doing the one thing I came into teaching for.

    Our society needs questioners, too often people sit back and simple take what they are told, but then moan about it with their mates. Tilly has started the path to questioning, and I hope that I can create a few more members of the society that are brave enough to lead the way as she does, with positivity and love in their hearts.


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